There\’s a particular DC blog that has really been teeing me off lately. Today was sort of the icing on the cake. One of their editors posted a bit about greening DC buildings. I\’m not sure where they got their information, but there are far more green buildings in DC than they imply. There are two within one block of me. It\’s not considered so rare and unusual any more.
I have to go to Eastland Gardens for work in a bit. I\’m bringing along MW for the ride and a little show and tell. Last Sunday I had to work in Trinidad, and brought the SO and the kid along. Hi, WASPy motherfuckers, there\’s a whole different world and it\’s literally in your backyard. Public and low income housing has gone so wrong in this area. Now, they\’re building a fence along a pedestrian path to keep drug dealers from using it. The thing that bothers me (other than losing a pedestrian path to violence and crime first and then the government later) is thus: is the fence along the path supposed to keep the dealers in the city, or the Maryland residents out? Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. One high school I went to backed up to an eight lane highway. The local government placed a huge metal fence on the edge of the campus to keep the kids from getting killed in traffic as they tried to cross on foot. Within days of the fence being erected, several holes had been dug under the fence, as well as a few bars knocked out. The kids found a way. There were still pedestrian deaths from the kids still trying to cross midday traffic on the highway just to get to the Wendy\’s on the other side. Death is no deterrent for a fix, and neither is a fence.