\”This scene has too many damn DJs! Don\’t get me wrong, I like a little variety, but when everyone and their pet monkey want to DJ it gets a little tiresome.\” — Dynamic, on Panic

Now I have to go be lame and take my decks and shit out of my trunk.

Maude and my\’s current joke is an electonric duo consisting of him and myself, called \”Cock Meets the Pussy.\” Appearing soon at some loser bar near you as soon as he buys a new A-frame for his synths. And I guess I could do with a rack and a coffin, too. But who needs music? We can just stand up their and pose. He burned me a copy of Reason, which I traded him for ACID, and we keep listening to loops and getting anxious. I have not done music with anyone since Jamie, so my collaborative efforts currently consist of \”Can I offer constructive criticism? That sucks. Change it.\” Why he puts up with me, I have no idea.

Possible names for new dj collectives: \”The Sluts,\” and \”(Drippy, Sweaty, Skanky) Snatch,\” which would be called \”Snatch\” for short.

I felt like a badass coming home from Dupont Circle this morning. In my car I had my two industry CD players, my two Stantons, the computer which is god that I am building for Mark (it has a Soundblaster Audigy 2 sound card and 120 gig hard drive, etc.), and Maude\’s Technics Quartz Direct Drive Automatic SL-3200 turntable, which he pointed out that he has \”had for a long time and it\’s older than you are… yeah, since 1978\” while he was carrying it down the hall. Now I feel like a young fruit amidst the rotting, breaking, degenerating old school.

\”Depression has nothing to do with brain chemistry. Depression has to do with being born in the \’80s and all your friends having been born prior to 1978. You weren\’t alive for Carter, can barely remember Regan, believe that life really is better with recycling and bottled water, and they are convinced that you, as the next generation, missed out. They voted against Regan, watched the Challenger explode on their own tvs, still listen to Yaz, and you are concinved that they are \”losing [their] edge to the kids who are coming up from behind\” — like you. But they\’re your friends, and you feel guilty that as one of the kids, you\’ll be ousting them and making them irrelevant. And this is what causes depression.\” Hehe.