Now entering day two of \”stuck in bed: so sick as a dog that my cat won\’t come near me; don\’t call me because I have no voice; don\’t expect me to get up because when I do so, the fluid in my body flows out all the wrong holes; don\’t touch me because I feel like I\’m running a fever of one hundred three, but it\’s actually a subnormal temperature of 97.8.\”

First day of summer semester was yesterday, and half my pay check from Sunday night\’s taint-wiping is still sitting in the safe at the bar, waiting for me to pick it up.

I was fine (minus sore) on Tuesday, then visited the dentist for a cleaning. Seem to have caught some kind of nasty there. Or maybe it\’s just from the news that I have to get my impacted wisdom teeth removed (which my crappy Medicaid will now finally cover), and will be doing so on June 14. People with FMS/ME do not respond well to dental procedures. I haven\’t had any teeth out since my baby canines, when I was six or seven. On the upside, I\’ve still never had a cavity, but on the downside, if my parents had let me have braces when I was younger, I probably wouldn\’t need to have my teeth out now; all my teeth are right up on top of each other. My dentist said I even still have the grooves on my mandibular central incisors, which my doc said is uncommon to see much after puberty. Funny teeth.

Funny face.

Funny health.

Funny body.

Make a comedy.

Back to the sick bed.

On the upside, when the bf is home from work, he has been taking excellent care of me.