I spent an hour last night trying to sleep (so what else is new?), pondering on where \”ethics\” and \”morals\” come from. Even the idea of religion. Ultimately, don\’t they come from feelings? Personal feelings that tend to be shared or displaced.
Most people think of bestiality and think \”ew,\” most people think of wife swapping and think \”ew,\” etc. Personal feelings shape personal ethics. If enough people share a feeling it can develop into a cultural standard.
Here\’s the problem: today we are taught that there are no \”right\” or \”wrong\” feelings because feelings are illogical. Thought dictates the interpretation of feelings. Therefore, thought ought to replace feelings. But, thought has not entirely replaced feelings for codes of behavior in our society. On the contrary, we seem to be allowing feelings instead of thoughts to take control of several issues that the intellectuals thought they had previously won the battle for, such as separation of church and state, evolution, abortion, the death penalty, etc.
Is this due to society re-embracing emotion over logic? Or are the emotionally suppressed just now learning to use the intellectual\’s own arguments to develop logical reasoning about emotional decision making? And if so, does that mean that we will once again see a change in how emotional thought is valued?
Isn\’t insomnia great?
And I want expect real answers, by the way.
It continually amazes me what can be done with naught but an eighth grade education. I fear getting more education, as it may mean my brain will never allow me to rest again.
Dr Maude has a date tonight (not with me) and our flat just flooded from the drain in the bathroom. And there are suddenly enormous flies in here, and they were not in here before. Combine this with my blasphemous pondering and I fear the Apocalypse is upon us. Anybody know where I can get in ark in Australia?
If I don\’t drown or die from disease first, I may get my application for this in for consideration for Spring 2006. \’Cause I\’m a sucker for challenge and facing what I fear. The big 2-4 is coming. I wish it was not impossible, and though it is highly unusual, I want to spend the day with someone I have never met — — eating shrooms and hiking in the drizzle. Internet, why has though forsaken me to a life of international longing of strange desires? No longer can I be content to stay , I must now vist other networks and see new systems. I am doomed to a life of exploratory unease!
Here\’s my Donnie Darko moment for the day: Fourteen days remaining. Then I wake up.
Can I get an electronic drum roll, please?