My downstairs neighbor is completely off her rocker. At 5.30 this afternoon, I ran my vacuum. She then came upstairs to bitch to my next door neighbor about all the noise I was making with my cleaning. A few hours prior, she was yelling at the people who were moving in above me (and hence, her), for making too much noise.

Even my next door neighbor, poor guy, who had to take her fifteen minute rant about me, had to wonder — well, if not now, then when is a good time for us to run our vacuums? He had just run his this afternoon, too.

I had thought that maybe it was just me that was nuts, but no, really, it\’s the whole damn world that\’s fucking loony.

Go on, go to the condo association, cause trouble for the one renter in the building like you threatened. Feel free to discover that despite your vitriol, on these issues, for some really bizarre reason, the other owners actually feel that it\’s okay to run their vacuums in the afternoon, to occasionally accidentally drop something and make a little noise as a result, even to have the pets that our condo association agreement (and my lease agreement, thank you very much) says that we can have.

Really, I think the issue is that I have sex too loud for her, but she\’s too uncomfortable to say anything about that, so she flies into a tizzy about everything else. Jesus. She wakes up at five every morning with the television blaring, I hear every phone call she makes — both sides, because she puts them on speakerphone — and I know exactly how loud her boyfriend snores. It\’s an old building with thin walls and big vents. No one else complains about anyone else.

I have to move in April, anyway, as that\’s when my lease is up, but damn don\’t I wish I had the $250,000 to stay here just to spite her. She complains that my cat is too loud. My CAT.

This should be a good sign, that I am worrying about something so dull, for a change.