After spending nine hours down at the bars, seven of which was working, I realized that I have changed a hell of a lot in the past two years. In terms of personality, I\’m far more out going, for example. In fact, I feel like I\’ve done a 180 from the diagnosed social phobic I was ten years ago. So it got me to thinking, just how much have I changed?

A quick indicator: the Jung Typology Test (aka the Myers Briggs). Because of my placement in the gifted and talented programs in school since the age of eight (so they started the testing when I was seven), I\’ve been taking these tests for a long time. I figured that I must have changed a lot, because my self-esteem is much higher and I\’m not afraid of people anymore.

But damned if I\’m not still an INFP! Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving. I guess no matter how comfortable I feel striking up a conversation with a stranger, I still need down time and alone time. Guess I\’ll always be one. The Idealist isn\’t so bad to be.