My grandmother just went back into the hospital.

My dad just told me to get a job. Piss on me.

Right before that my rheumatologist\’s assistant called, all pissy because they just received my disability forms and I have to come in tomorrow so they can fill them out. Why do they need me to fill them out? They knew I was applying under advisment from my GP and psychiatrist. Now I have to fill theirs out, plus the ones I just received the other day from the social security office. I\’m not supposed to see the doctors\’ forms. This is fucked up. My rheumatolist is going to yell at me and tell me I don\’t need disability, I can tell. Fuck.

I just spent $85 on clothes that actually fit and they all look great but it was $85 I need for the hotel for Mat\’s wedding. Now I have to pawn CDs or return the clothes. Damn retail therapy addictive behavior bullshit. But it felt good at the time.

I had physical therapy today. Only four more sessions left, and I feel worse now than when I started. Fucking hell.

Now I have to go to yoga. I hurt like hell. Shit.

Today is a really good day. Someone take me out tonight, please? I need a hug.