It is entirely possible that the whole thing was misrepresented from the beginning. There is a tendency for that to happen when one is pumped up with the thought of being nowhere when one is in fact somewhere by the very act of being where they are. And it is utterly amazing how much hypothetical and occasionally existential nonsense anyone can spew given the right pharmaceutical combination. That being said, it is worth noting that I spent the entirety of the past five days deluded by frequent calming doses of codiene, skelaxin, benadryl, ambien, sudafed and ultracet. It was the only way to psychologically manage being held against my will in a stereotypical sleepy New England town that doubled as both yuppie scum tourist trap and victim of the quintessential \”white flight becomes urban blight\” syndrome.
The Dutch went wrong when founding New York all those hundreds of years ago. Society would have been better off without. Or perhaps it is only that the current residents have become such a disgrace by throwing their lots in with the rest of western society. The landscape of the region and the inhabitants thereof are now completely interchangeable with any Our Town, USA in Kansas, Virginia, Delaware, or Illinois. Soft facial features above soft bodies with no visible discernable difference between face and neck, neck and shoulders, shoulders and torso, or torso and hips, and yet, somehow, most residents do not have their faces coming out of their groins unless one counts the constant flow that exists between their mouths and their anuses. In and out, empty conversations filled with stale donuts, flavorless bbq and huge quantities of pasta. Eating and spewing are only interrupted for the outpouring of methane and occasionally solid waste. It smells as bad as it sounds and looks far worse.
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Just a reminder that the above and more like it is now over at .