I keep smacking myself in the forehead. It cannot be real. Shit cannot be this good. Can it? Sure, I am back in physical therapy for my wrists and will likely have my first surgery on them around the time of my birthday, and still cannot work because of the chance that SSI will pay for my treatment and surgery. My grandmother is likely going to be dead in the next few months, just as I have become close to her again, and my grandfather is likely to follow soon after. [tries to think if there is any other bad shit] I don\’t think there is. Everything else seems to be perfect, for some odd reason. Very odd. I like it.
Jamie will be here in less than two days. I have 17 separate events coming up in the next few weeks that I am supposed to attend. The conference is coming off without a problem and everyone loves the new design I cranked out. My computers are all fully functioning. My entire living space is clean and neat in an obsessive-compulsive disorder way. My taxes are working out just fine. y! shit is all together and on schedule. I lost another few pounds. My eyebrow piercing has no exceeded the previous record of remaining in place for five months. I am downloading all the music I had to sell and then subsequently lost. My drum kit is getting fixed back up. My relationship with dex seems solid. I have been uber social of late. Should have my moped back out on the road soon.
I am in awe. Almost but not quite ready to say that I am healthy. Almost.