Baron-Cohen fun, here we come…

I would really like to see how other people scored on these, particularly women. Please post yours in comments or your journals or whatnot.

My systemizing quotient (SQ) score: 47

20-39 = You have an average ability for analysing and exploring a system. Systemizing is the drive to anaylse and explore a system, to extract underlying rules that govern the behaviour of a system; and the drive to construct systems.

40-50 = You have an above average ability for analysing and exploring a system. On average, women score about 24 and men score about 30. Most people with Asperger Syndrome or high functioning austism score between 40-50.

51-80 = You have a very high ability for analysing and exploring a system… Three times as many people with Asperger Syndrome score in this range, compared to typical men, and almost no women score this high.

My interactive empathy (EQ) score: 23

On average, most women score about 47 and most men about 42. Most people with Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism score about 20.

0-32 = You have a lower than average ability for understanding how other people feel and responding appropriately.

33-52 = You have an average ability for understanding how other people feel and responding appropriately. You know how to treat people with care and sensitivity.

53-63 = You have an above average ability for understanding how other people feel and responding appropriately. You know how to treat people with care and sensitivity.

64-80 = You have a very high ability for understanding how other people feel and responding appropriately. You know how to treat people with care and sensitivity.

You then take your EQ and your SQ and map them on the Baron-Cohen graph to discover what gender your brain is. Science has long since established \”being trapped in the opposite gender\’s body\” phenomenon of transgender identity, but is now also recognizing that some people, while feeling different from what they may appear to be, don\’t necessarily want to be anything else, either.

I\’m looking at myself on the Baron-Cohen: Type S (S>E), or what is considered to be the male brain… how many guys have I dated that have joked that their girlfriend was actually a lesbian? Five, plus current. For how many years in my childhood did I refuse to even own a dress or skirt? At least eight, that I can recall. How often will I actually wear them now other than when playing dress up? Maybe once every two months, for a few hours. For how many years have I been convinced that I\’m actually a butch black male drag queen stuck inside whatever it is I am? Since I first saw James Brown, circa 1985 — 20 years.

Modeling, taking my clothes off for the camera, doing porn, fucking a bunch of whomever, just to feel like that beautiful woman they assured me I was — and whom I could sometimes see on the outside — but with whom I always have a complete disconnect from; I have never in my life felt like I was either feminine, or female, much less a beautiful woman. I might occasionally be able to look like those things, but I am not those things — acting! Costumes! Masks! Feathers and paint! I first put on my drag queen war paint at 13, and that is the only time I ever felt like I even had the right to emulate a female identity, and since I was emulating it, it had to become a caricature… but that\’s for another entry that I wrote last month but have not got \’round to finishing yet…

Of course, maybe I\’m just stereotypically overreacting in my big black gay self way. Maybe it all means nothing other than I\’m just a \”highly organized\” (thank you, doctor ___ for that diagnosis) geek who is too much of a cold hearted bitch (thank you, ex, ex, and ex lovers) to give a damn about other people\’s feelings. Yes, I can shut off my heart when I want to. Just like I can turn it on. It has a switch. But not my brain. My brain has nanobot technology and will outlast even the toughest stains.