After about fifty hours of work, forty dollars invested in copies and postage, spending a day at the court house, locking myself outside of my car (with it running, keys in ignition and my purse with cell phone on passenger seat) at Kinko\’s during last Friday\’s ice storm, and the cold that I caught after being caught in the storm for two hours, this past week I have upped my credit score from 601 to 660 — still only \”fair,\” but no longer \”sub-prime.\” In other words, my score makes me eligible for a credit card or line of credit, and it didn\’t before.

Turns out that despite filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2003 and having all my debts discharged, none of those debts showed up as discharged on my report. Additionally, there was still a judgment on there. I\’ve been up to my eyes in paperwork. I put my phone 130 minutes over its limit in calling the credit reporting agencies and my former lawyer. But all that should be behind me (I hope). And by the end of this year, all those old creditors from 2000 will be falling off my credit report, thus repairing my credit even further.

Even though I\’m feeling good about this, I still feel like I\’ve been through the ringer. One major fuck up from years passed mostly cleared up, just two more to go. And in the future…how about just not fucking up?

Age 25: the year I learned to repair my mistakes from fucking up in the years prior.
Age 26, coming up in June: may finally start to move forward without causing further enormous fuck ups.