Tuesday, 1:45pm, gyno calls to tell me I have to be screened for cancerous lesions ASAP.

Tuesday, 4:45pm, health insurance finally agrees to kick doctor\’s ass over his improperly administered allergy shots which caused me to go to anaphylactic shock. Health insurance says they\’ll see about refunding me the $435 I\’ve paid out of pocket in the past two months for allergy shots and that they\’ll get me a new doctor.

Thursday, 3:30pm, I arrive at my allergy clinic to get my weekly shot. Last week I paid for my the three sessions (last Thursday, today, and next Thursday) I\’ll have before I leave for Australia. The allergy clinic staff tell me that they cannot treat me, cannot give me my shots even though I already paid, until the issue is cleared with the health insurance, and that I should see my PCP about the issue. The allergy clinic assures me that I will be reimbursed for my out-of-pocket payments, but they don\’t know when.

Thursday, 3:45pm-5:10pm, I am at my primary care doctor\’s office in a yelling match with the receptionist over who said what, when, and how I cannot have access to my files. How I have to make an appt. to see the doctor in order to get a referral, how I cannot have it today even though the health insurance had authorized it over the phone that morning. She says neither I nor the billing accountant at the allergy clinic called or faxed in November in order to receive more referals. She says I am lying about that as well as lying about being told that I could not have the referals because my health insurance wouldn\’t cover shots outside of the office. She says that it wasn\’t the doctor\’s fault that I almost died back in October from the shots he administered, and that it was my fault for not coming weekly for my shot — because he would never have told me to come on a different schedule (every other month, because he told me I was doing well and that as the strength increased the schedule frequency would decrease) other than every week because that\’s how often shots are supposed to be adminsitered. She said that it was my own fault because the files that I brought from my last doctor\’s office — who also OD\’d me, though not to the same extent — did not include \”instructions on how to administer the shots.\” And more shit and more shit and more shit that I\’m supposed to document for a lawyer and am just too damn tired and fed up to bother right now. I was finally allowed to see the doctor and after repeating myself many, many times to both the doctor (who said that all the problems were due to a communication misunderstanding) and the receptionist I was given a paper copy of the referal I need to get my shots tomorrow from the allergist. Hopefully the allergist will accept it as amendments were made by hand. Hopefully tomorrow I\’ll be able to get my shots, as well as next Thursday Friday, as I\’m now a day off schedule. Hopefully then I will be able to take my serum, walk out of the place, get on a plane four days later, and never have to see any of this system again until I\’m in a court room. Hopefully sometime while I\’m in Australia my reimbursement will arrive, but I\’m not holding my breathe. Fucking assholes.

Tomorrow has got to be better than today. I could really use a hug right now.